- Grab your current read
- flip to a random page
- select 2 teaser sentences
- please do not include spoilers!
also please tell us the name and author of the book so we can add it to our TBR piles if we wish!
My teaser this week is from "The Crowning Glory of Calla Lilly Ponder" by Rebecca Wells:
"Some of my happiest moments were during dance lessons. I was content to lie, head in hands, on the edge of the perfectly polished dance floor, studying my parents as they danced by, illustrating different types of dances. My mother's strength and beauty captivated me as she swirled across the dance floor in my father's arms."
I can't tell you how much I am enjoying this book. LOVE. Especially because so far it is summer in Louisiana and HOT and humid, and there is plenty of talk of ice teas and porch swings, and swimming holes. Since we are in the dead of winter here in Alberta, this is perfect escape reading. Not only that, Calla is such a joyous child to live vicariously through for awhile! I LOVE her, and I love her mother whom she calls "M'dear". I can't wait to tell you all about it when I'm done!
Clearly this gem has catapulted me out of my reading rut... YAY! Thanks for all your advice, support and encouragement!
10 Blabs:
So glad you found a book to pull you out of your reading rut! This sounds lovely :) I can't wait to hear what you think of it when you're finished.
Here's my Teaser.
Ah! dancing. I really miss it.
Here is mine
Wonderful teaser. I always wish I could dance.
What a lovely teaser! This sounds like a good book.
Welles writes a really good book. Glad you are enjoying it so much. My teaser is here
It is nothing like a reading rut, so glad you found something that not only got you out but is making you feel happy inside. Stay away from the window :-)
My teaser
Sounds like fun. Love the teaser!
I really do want to read this one. Some of her earlier books were very funny.
Great teaser and I absolutely love your header! I subscribed! Here is my teaser if you are interested: http://emmamichaels.blogspot.com/2010/01/teaser-tuesday_26.html
Hey guys, thanks for your comments! Loved that you add your links to your TT's as well!
And Emma WELCOME! And I have just visited your blog and LOOOVE it! Beautiful. I am now a follower and have added you to my blog roll!
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