Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand
The day I finished this book I felt a deep sense of sadness that Oprah was no longer on the air. This was the kind of book she would do a show about, and have the people on to tell their story. She just knows how to take a subject and go deeper, and enlighten and further inspire people. In fact, it's because of her that I even read this book at all. She sends these emails to people who sign up and was raving about it, so I googled it and snooped around and found that EVERYBODY was raving about it! So I ordered it and read it in about 4 days.
Unbroken is a WWII memoir, but it's so much more than that! It tells the story of Louis Zamperini, who was an olympic athlete who joins the fight via the airforce and is shot down over the pacific and is captured by the dreaded Japanese. What follows is his unbelievable story of survival, and redemption. And when I say unbelievable I mean HOLY-CRAP-ARE-YOU-EVEN-KIDDING-ME????!! Kind of unbelievable. This book is so masterfully crafted and written as a novel that it is impossible to put down. IMPOSSIBLE. I hands-down loved ever second of it.
If you enjoy reading stories about WWII this book is definitely for you. If you enjoy reading stories about the human spirit.. this book is for you. If you like to read books that have you on the edge of your seat this book is for you. I think it is an extremely important story that everybody needs to read. I am not the type of blogger that writes a detailed synopsis of books, just because I usually skim over any synopsis of books on blogs or reviews because I want to go in fresh, but there are plenty of them out there that do! Click here to read more of a summary of the book.
Here's the trailer for it as well:
The Third Gilmore Girl by Kelly Bishop
5 hours ago
5 Blabs:
What a great review Lisa...I can't wait to read this one myself. It sounds like I may cringe during some parts though...yikes!
I requested it from the library, but I'm still #200 on the list. I might just have to go out and buy it. I absolutely LOVE WWII stories, and after reading your review, I'm dying to get my fingers on it. :)
I've heard nothing but praise about this one!
Well, you've certainly sold me! I've heard nothing but good things about this book, and your review has convinced me that I have to read. Oh, so much to read and so little time! I've linked to your review on War Through the Generations.
Everyone loves this book. It must be good because the waiting list for it at the library is crazy long. I may just have to break down and buy it. Great review!
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